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Awareness Counselling


Haarlem, Nederland

Tarief: Low cost 35 euro
Particulier aanbod/vraag


Bekeken: 2736 keer

Awareness Counselling

You'r not alone, everyone has moments when life situations weigh heavy. Seeing a way forward is not always so easy, emotion pain, fear, dispair, loneness or anger to name a few can stop us dead in our tracks. Suck all our energies and leave us withdrawn to the point of depression if not addressed. Feel no shame in where you are, this moment as difficult as it may seem is a place of learning and opportunity. Allow yourself to grow, into the unknown. I will walk with you on this self directed journey where you are 100% in control and will be safe to explore your personal and unique reason for visiting me. 

Normally there is a cost of around €40 to €60 for counselling but fortunately I am in a position to offer it free of charge. A donation to a charity of your own choice, in your own time, is entirely up to you

Haarlem, Heemstede, Overveen, Bloemendaal aan Zee, Bloemendaal, Spaarndam-West, Santpoort-Zuid, Haarlemmerliede, Vijfhuizen, Velserbroek, Penningsveer, Spaarndam-Oost, Spaarnwoude, Aerdenhout, Cruquius, Halfweg Nh, Zwanenburg, Santpoort-Noord, Zandvoort, Boesingheliede, Driehuis, Amsterdam, Assendelft, Bennebroek, Vogelenzang, IJmuiden.

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