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Au Pair AuPair Nanny aupair- nanny


Au Pair
Amsterdam-Noord, Amsterdam, Nederland

Tarief: Nader overeen te komen
Particulier aanbod/vraag


Bekeken: 3131 keer

Au Pair AuPair Nanny aupair- nanny
You've come to the right place if you are looking for an au pair. WWA & N is an organization with worldwide contacts and places since 1995 au pairs in the Netherlands.
"In addition to my extensive experience in placing au pairs, I also know what it is like childminding an au pair in the house. This allows our office both you as a host family, the au pair optimal guidance and / or advice. "

Many of our au pairs come from the Philippines, Russia, Peru and Colombia. Mouth size we have candidates from the Czech Republic and Slovakia. A diversity of cultures. With au pairs from these countries we have the best experiences.

Our agents there are reliable and professional resulting in highly successful placements.

Moreover, we work on a "no cure no pay". Also, it is definitely worth the rubriekje "Your benefit" to read. You will find significant differences between the competition and us.

We hope to see you soon as a new customer to welcome you and share with you the right au pair for your family to find.

Amsterdam, Landsmeer, Watergang, Diemen, Duivendrecht, Oostzaan, Zaandam, Broek in Waterland, Den Ilp.

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