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Country house Our Istria


Marin Gojanovic
Roč, Čiritež, Kroatië

Tarief: June and September....980 Euro/ week per whole property The rest of the year.....1190 Euro/ week per whole property Visitor tax........................1 Euro/ day per adults Booking and damage deposit required Final cleaning.....60 Euro Change over day.....negotiable with the owner
Particulier aanbod/vraag


Bekeken: 2789 keer

Country house Our Istria
The house is secluded, not far from the village Rim
where it actually belongs. It was built in 1886 but has been recently
redecorated with special love and care and is surrounded by green lawns, an
orchard and a forest. Primarily it was meant to be a family house for a family
with 2-3 children. During the renovating and decorating there was one guiding
principle above all: the family has to be comfortable and relaxed in the house,
both the grown-ups and children have to find something that will calm them
down, relax and inspire. That is exactly why only exclusively natural and
ecology friendly materials were used for the reconstruction of the house. There
are wood floors throughout the house except in the kitchen and in the bathroom.
The walls are mortared in the old fashioned way so the irregularity and warm
colours of the walls remind us of our ancestors calm life. Thick stone walls
and aircondition units will assure the freshness in the whole house even in the
hottest summer days. There is a large terrace in front of the house followed by
lawns and meadows.

Contact opnemen met Marin Gojanovic
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