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Pianoles bij u thuis in Rotterdam


Kapelstraat, Rotterdam, Nederland

Tarief: 35 euro / uur (incl. BTW)
Bedrijf met KvK 56147775


Bekeken: 2943 keer

Pianoles bij u thuis in Rotterdam
Private Piano Lessons

With Céline Bishop, French pianist and music teacher.

Céline has been teaching piano, music theory and musical initiation for children since 2003. After a two-year training, she obtained the State Diploma of Music Theory teaching in 2011.

As a pianist, Céline has been devoting herself to classical music for years, until she discovered Argentinean Tango in 2009. Since then, she has been playing in several tango orchestras and animating milongas with her bands in France, Germany and in the Netherlands. She is currently a member of the famous Orquesta Tipica OTRA.

As a teacher, Céline has an excellent contact, especially with children, she is open to 
all kind of genres (classical,,pop, jazz, world music, tango) and combines technic with sight reading, chords, improvisation, composition, and theory.

Place: Rotterdam
Suitable for all levels
Language: English or French
Price : 35€ incl. BTW 

Please contact me for further information!

Rotterdam, Schiedam, Rotterdam Albrandswaard, Pernis, Barendrecht, Poortugaal, Rhoon, Capelle aan den IJssel, Hoogvliet, Vlaardingen, Vondelingenplaat.

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