Freelance Vertalers Gezocht - Energy technical/ engineering translations project English into Dutch
My name is Alwin Harshagen, Vendor Coordinator at Tek Translation International, based in Madrid. For more information, please visit our website: tektrans com
We currently intend to enlarge our supply base for English into Dutch translators in the technical field for multiple large translation projects of which the first one concerns 11 days (April 29th until May 13th) and is ready for you to join. We would like you to do about 35K words in those days. Therefore, should you be interested in participating to this project, please
- attach an updated version of your CV or resume to your email
- provide us with your most competitive rates (please bear in mind that we can offer you big volumes of work)
Besides, I′d like to specify that you will work online in a team of about 25 freelancers with a translation application called ëMemoQ′. This tool allows translation/review online and leverage. We will provide you with the license to use it. It is a very easy to use application; for more information about this tool visit
Please do not hesitate to get back to me should you have any queries, I′d be very happy to assist you. maakt gebruik van cookies. Bekijk ons cookiebeleid. Als u onze site gebruikt, gaan wij ervan uit dat u akkoord bent.
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